Friday, September 12, 2008


When we got up this morning the news showed is the direct path of this hurricane. I started getting nervous so I called Lowes and asked if they had any plywood left and they said a few sheets. Alex went to get enough to board up our bedroom and we plan on having all the kids sleep with us tonight. He boarded up our back windows and the side which you can't see. They didn't have much left and this is a lot thicker and more expensive then we wanted but I just didn't want to take any chances. We have been told the biggest risk to us is the loss of power and water for several days and trees falling over on our houses. Hopefully none of this will happen. We live near Conroe if you watch the news. It will hit Galveston first then head towards us. We have been put on a mandatory curfew. We can not go outside our homes between midnight until 7 AM tomorrow. We are not supposed to evacuate but must stay indoors. Hope fully this will be over quickly and with little damage.

Banana display. This is what most of the fruit

and veggies displays looked like.Bread display. Not even a crumb left.

Gas Station with no gas

Hurricane Ike is headed are way and we are a little nervous. This is our first major hurricane event and are getting so much and possibly too much advice. It is hard to know what to do. Do we evacuate and get stuck in hours of traffic or stay and weather the storm. Since we are about 1.5 hours from Galveston we have been told to stay put for now. The stores were nuts. I waited in line for an hour to pay for my groceries and they had run out of so much stuff. The store by me is a large Kroger and it was packed with people and it had run out of water, batteries, bread, canned food, fruit and veggies and very low on milk. They had the Starbucks counter checking out people with groceries and the bank employees bagging. There were people fighting over carts.

The pursuit for Gas was even worse. There just wasn't any. After I tried 4 stations I came home ready to give up. After an hour goes by I just felt too nervous that we only have a half tank in our Excursion and that we would need it if we needed to evacuate so I took the kids with me on a Gas Treasure hunt. This is what I told them so they wouldn't complain about coming with me while Alex got our yard ready and moved all patio furniture inside the garage. After 3 more stations I found one that had some gas. I patiently waited for my turn then got up there, the pump turns on (Supreme gas only) and then it shuts off. I only got to put $0.04 worth in before the station shut all the pumps off. The search began again. Two stations later I found one that had Supreme gas only and filled her up.

Now we are just waiting to see what happens. Here are a few pictures to record our first hurricane experience. Hopefully there won't be much more to report.


Brandi said...

I hope the storm passes you guys. Be safe. That sucks the store is out of everything and to wait inline for an hour that is even worst. Your family is in our prayers.

Nicolle Webber said...

Good Luck Guys! Be safe and smart. I wan't to read the next blog saying you have safely made it though the hurricane....

Shiloh McKinnon said...

That is so crazy! It is like a movie! I hope you guys are able to stay put and all goes well. Best of Luck! Be Safe

Justin Baker said...

Hope you guys are ok, usually the weather forcasters are wrong so lets pray that they are! Say a prayer and snuggle up together! Keep food and stuff you may need in the night in your room, just in case it did get bad!(just an idea!) Stay safe!!

Holly Webster said...

Hey Keri I am on my nephews computer and commented on your blog before signing in so it showwed his name, Justin Baker! So, that was me, just so your not wondering who the heck that is. Anyways, be safe!!!