Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Emma!!!

My mom had surgery the morning of this picture. She was such a trooper!!

Birthday morning.

She was so excited to be 5!!

Emma turned 5 last week. In the midst of all the hurricane mess we were able to pull off of a really good birthday for her. On her actual birthday we were still in Austin and my cousin Jenny threw her a little birthday at her house. Earlier that day we took all the kids to a dinosaur exhibit while my mom was in surgery for her ankle and then that night we had pizza and cake.

We had a birthday party planned for her before the storm hit and it looked like we were going to have to postpone due to lack of power at our house and at the party place. But luckily our power came back on late Tuesday night and the party place got their power back by Thursday and I called them and they said they could still have the party. So I called all the moms of the girls invited and they all still wanted to come. Emma was so excited that Grandma was going to get to come after all. My mom flew out to visit and to be here for Emma's birthday and we thought with the hurricane and her broken ankle she might miss out but the party was able to happen after all.

1 comment:

Melody B. said...

Love that butterfly! ahppy b-day Emma!