Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of pre-school for Emma and Paige. Paige was so excited she had a hard time falling asleep the night before. She has waited for two years to go. She was always so sad when we would drop Emma off because she wanted to go too. I have both girls in pre-school 3 days a week so me and Chase have some quality time together while the girls are at school. I am excited to have only one kid to run errands with. It is a lot easier than 3.
The issue now is since they are in different classes they do different things and they are trying to top who had the more fun day. Yesterday Emma got to have a cupcake for someone's birthday and Paige didn't. Paige's class got to see an armadillo at recess and Emma's didn't. The competition officially begins. I never had a sister but heard it can get bad. Hopefully they will stay good friends like they are now.


Anitra said...

Hi Alex and Keri! Your kids are so cute! I don't think I've seen Emma since she was a baby.

Rachel Wurmlinger said...

Ha ha! Oh yeah....coming from someone with a sister that is a year older.....LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! They will be best friends and worst enemies! Good luck!