Friday, September 12, 2008


Our neighbors invited us down to the park which is 4 houses away from ours for our first hurricane party. There were 7 couple and a ton of kids. Most have been through this before and are just trying to make the best of it. Once the winds picked up and it got dark everyone decided to leave. It helped tire our kids out running around with the other kids. They are now safe in their little tent in our room sleeping. I have a feeling I won't sleep tonight since it is supposed to hit us about 1 AM. This is my last post until morning. Hopefully we will have power tomorrow.


Cedar said...

How scary for you guys!! I hope all is well. The empty food shelves was CRAZY!! You'll be in my prayers:) Glad you guys are trying to have fun in spite of the weather!!

Rachel Wurmlinger said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I can't believe that you guys are right in the path of Ike!! Be safe and careful and remember.....Phoenix doesn't have this kind of weather! ha ha! J/k! We just miss you.

Brandon and Mandi Hemming said...

I hope you guys made it ok!! How scary!!