Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Out with the old in with the new!

On Saturday night Emma lost her first tooth. She was so excited. It had been loose for about a week and when Alex was tucking her into bed he covered her with her blanket and started playing with her and when he pulled the blanket back it snagged on her tooth and it came it out. While Alex was cleaning out Emma's mouth I was searching the room for the tiny tooth that had gone flying. I finally found it and we got it ready for the tooth fairy. Emma was bouncing off the walls with excitement. Paige, not so much. She would not go to bed she was scared of the fairy that would be soon visiting their room. I think she finally went to sleep around 11:00 PM. We originally put her in her bed at 8:30.

The next morning Emma came into our room bright and early to show us the money she was left and was so excited. Paige was excited too. She said she actually got to see the tooth fairy. Emma was so disappointed that she had missed her. Paige began to brag that she got to see her and Emma didn't. I asked what the tooth fairy looked like and she said "just like Tinkerbell but likes tooths". I think she wanted to have something special to talk about too.

Chase got his first two teeth last week. Hence the title out with the old in with the new.


Nicolle Webber said...

How exciting, I can't wait for those little milestones to begin! Have fun with that!

Melody B. said...

Cute post name.;) Isn't it funny that they usually get their bottome teeth first and then loose those first too?

Allison said...

You guys look like you are doing great in Texas! It must be all that Texas sunshine!

Cedar said...

I am so glad to hear the tooth fairy remembered her. She sometimes forgets at our house or we end up finding $ under the bed.