Monday, August 18, 2008


My cousin graduated from U of A and both Alex and I and my Aunt Cindi (Jenny's mom) all graduated from ASU. The first night when they were here the little girls were playing dress up and Madeline put the ASU cheerleader outfit on and came downstairs. Jenny said that would be the last time she would be in those colors. The prompted me to put this picture together. While she was in the shower I snuck all of the girls downstairs and loaded them up in our ASU gear and took some cute pictures and had them back dressed and all of the ASU stuff put away before she got out of the shower. These pictures are for my Aunt Cindi who is a proud Sun Devil fan.

My cousin Jenny lives in Austin which is just a few hours away. We are just 6 months apart and both have kids close in age as well. She also has two girls and a new baby boy. They came to visit us a few days ago. We had a house full of wild a crazy kids. We had Emma (almost 5), Lily (3), Paige (3), Madeline (19 Months), Chase (6 Months) and Wyatt (2 Months). The girls had a great time playing together. It is nice to have some family close by.


Jennifer Caudle said...

Keri you stinker! Those ASU pictures are too funny! When I got home I told Scott about the cheerleader dress and I thought that we left without you getting any pictures of Madeline in the dress. I guess I was wrong! Thanks so much for having us, we really enjoyed the visit. I hope we see you again soon!

Shiloh McKinnon said...


Melody B. said...

YES! Go Devils!