Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rolled Over

Assuming the positionThrowing the leg over
Now the body, what is with this arm in the way. Maybe I will just suck on it for a little while.
I am over, now what?

Chase rolled over for the first time today. He went for his 4 month check up today and he was trying to roll over while on the table in the doctors office. So when we got home I put him down on the ground and within a few minutes he had rolled over. He hasn't figured out how to get from his tummy back to his back yet but I think that one is easier so I am sure it will be soon. By the way the boy weighed a whopping 16lbs 9 oz and almost 26 inches at his appointment today. He has grown so much and is so fun. He smiles all day long. Here is a little video of Chase grunting while he is trying to roll over. Of course he wouldn't do it very fast when I was trying to film it.


Nicolle Webber said...

I love the video of Chase trying so hard to get over. I miss those days when my child was not mobile... So cute!

Cedar said...

Scary that hes already rolling over! Time flies! That girls trip looked so fun! Its so cool that you guys still keep in touch! What great friends!

summer k said...

Too cute! Did you have to put all the pics from b-day dinner on there, they are so ugly!

Shiloh McKinnon said...

OK your kids are so adorable. I cant believe how big he is already.

Shauna said...

He is getting so big and before you know it he will be crawling!!

Brandi said...

Wow! Kids grow up so fast. Pretty soon he will be walking right before your eyes.