Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

Last night we took the kids to the circus. This was their first time and they loved it. They both like the trapeze artists the best. They called them the swinging people. I thought the elephants were pretty cool. They could do handstands. Chase was so good he just sat on our laps sucking his thumb and watched the whole thing. What a good baby we have. We are so lucky!


Shauna said...

It looks so much fun. I have never been and have been wanting to go every time it comes in town. I'm definitely there next time! Cute post about the reunion too.

Bryan and Lyndsey said...

I hope you all had fun there. That is one place that I will never go. I am glad to see the clowns didn't get ya.,

Melody B. said...

I love the circus. I would love to go again. Shauna, you really have never been to the HAVE to go!

Jill Wilson said...

Hey Kari girl! I absolutely love checking our your blog and cannot believe I have never said hello before this. You guys look so happy and your family is so sweet. Congrats (a little late) on your baby boy. Your 3 little ones are beauties. I am working on getting a blog of my own up so I will let you know when I finally do :D It has been so fun seeing so many people I cared about from school. Please keep in touch--

Jill (Williams- now Wilson :D)

Cedar said...

Maybe me and Shauna need to hook up and go because I have never been to that circus either. The only circus I've been to was the one at Robson Elementary years and years ago!! I am really jealous of the lake pics, I haven't made it there this summer either!!

Sarah's Nonsense said...

The circus! YEAH! It's always so fun. Your girls have good taste. I agree that the swinging people are always one of the most amazing parts of the show!

Nicolle Webber said...

Hello Keri, to answer your St. Joes question: I am a surgical tech in the Main Operating room. Which means I stand next to the surgeon and pass him instruments. I worked in the pediatric ICU for the first 5 years which is where all most of great girlfriends have come from. Like your Aunt I have seen way to many children pass away from horrible things but it makes me appreciate all the good in my life and my sons well being. We really have it great compared to some in this world who have lost their babies! I love my postion now and I still get to see some of the coolest surgeries but yet still bad bad things too! Who is your Aunt maybe I have come across her there before?