Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we went to PF Changs which is one of my favorite restaurants. We then walked around the mall trying to decide what to do for dessert. That is when we came upon a table selling half price cookie cakes since Mother's Day was almost over so Alex decides to buy us one. I thought he would get the small one but when he came to the table he had got the big one. Needless to say our family sat in the food court and ate the entire cake. Pretty gross huh? It was very thin but still no excuse. This is no way to lose the baby weight but it sure was yummy.


Brandi said...

Yummy. Those cookies are the best. Happy Mothers Day. Looks like you had a great one.

Melody B. said...

What do you mean "gross"? The word "cookie" and "gross" don't go together!:P