Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fancy Nancy

My girls favorite books are the Fancy Nancy Books. For anyone that has little girly girls like me they are great books. Well in the book the little girl wants her family to dress up fancy and go out to dinner. My birthday was on Easter Sunday so we decided to celebrate the night before and Emma wanted to dress up fancy for dinner. Alex had just got home from a business trip in Taiwan that morning and brought the girls home Chinese sandals and fans and we already had the Chinese dresses that I bought from American Girl. Everywhere we went that night people commented on how cute they looked. I may be biased but I have to agree.


summer k said...

The girls look darling, those dresses are so cute!

Melody B. said...

My Hailey LIVES for Fancy Nancy books! So did you guys go to the King's Crown for dinner!:P I'm not biased and they ARE cute!