Thursday, October 4, 2007

Emma's Preschool Field Trip to The Pumpkin Farm

Emma's Preschool had a field trip on Tuesday to The Little Farmer
which is a large farm with a huge pumpkin patch and apple orchard.
The kids learned about bees and how they help the apple blossoms turn into
apples. They got to go on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and got to
each pick a pumpkin off the vine. They learned the proper way to
pick an apple. They had so much fun. They also have a huge play area with
a hay pyramid, bikes, straw teepees and a goat petting area.
Our whole family went on the field trip with Emma.
She loved the bus ride there and getting to sit by
her friends. We are going to this same pumpkin patch this
weekend with some friends so I will probably have more
pictures after that.


Melody B. said...

I like the pic of your daughter with the gotta frame that one and hang itup!

Melody B. said...

I was surprised to see UT at 50% WOW! You would think theirs would be great! You're definetly going to need some cupboard locks too...maybe a toilet lid clamp!

Sarah's Nonsense said...

Aren't all the fall activities so fun? I love their matching jackets!

shell said...

Congratulations on a boy!! That is wonderful. You're girls are so cute. I tried to invite you to my blog but you never accepted. Send me your email to
I am not trying to hide from anyone. swear!!

Melody B. said...

Why the heck is that second comment on THIS blog? I look like a lunatic! I wrote that on my other friends in the heck did that get HERE? WIERD!!