Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Emma's Mother Day Tea Party

Emma in her classroom
Class singing songs

Emma's solo
Quilt with her hand print (supposed to be a flower) that she gave me for Mother's Day.

Emma's preschool had a Mother's Day tea party for us. My mom was in town so she got to come with us. The kids sang songs for us and then they even sang solos for us. Emma's was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. They all were so cute. Especially since most kids made up there own lyrics if they couldn't remember the real ones.


Mike & Stephanie Wright said...

Emma is so cute. That is so cool that she had a solo. When children sing it is so precious.

Mauzy Fam said...

Hi Keri -
So, you posted your comment on my blog, but didn't leave the link to your blog. So I searched for it on google and it was very easy to find! Now, your girls are adorable! I love those pictures! They are definitely photogenic. I can't believe you're all the way in Wisconsin! Quite a move. I plan to keep up on your blog and see how you and your family are doing. It was good to hear from you.
Tamra Mauzy

Sarah's Nonsense said...

Emma looks just like you Keri...she's so cute!